313301 DSU Microproject Topics K Scheme Diploma

Welcome to PracticalKida, in this post we share all 313301 DSU Microproject Topics for Computer Engineering K Scheme diploma students.

313301 DSU Microproject Topics
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These microproject topics mainly contain all project topics that follow the MSBTE K Scheme syllabus.

313301 DSU Data Structure Using C Microproject Topics

  • Implementing Recursion Example- Buy PDF
  • Evaluation of Arithmetic Expression- Buy PDF
  • Queue In Data Structure-Buy Pdf
  • Develop a program in ‘C’ to evaluate an arithmetic expression using Stack with linked list representation.
  • Develop a program in ‘C* that creates a queue for given persons. Shift the original position of a person to a new position based on its changed priority or remove a person from the Queue using Linked List implementation.
  • Develop a program in *C’ that creates a tree to store a given data set using linked list representation. Locate and display specific data from the data set.
  • Develop a ‘C’ program for performing the following banking operations: Deposit, Withdrawal, and Balance inquiry. Select the appropriate data structure for the same.


We provided all micro project topics for DSU Data Structure Using C above. if you need any help in micro project then contact us on telegram.

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