313302 DMS Manual Answer K Scheme

Welcome to PracticalKida, in this blog post, we share Database Management System 313302 DMS Manual Answer for diploma K Scheme students.

313302 DMS Manual Answer K Scheme

313302 DMS Manual Answer

Sr.NoPractical NameAnswer
2Create Database schema for given applicationClick Here
3Execute DDL commands to manage Database using SQLClick Here
4Execute DML Commands to manipulate data using SQLClick Here
5Execute DCL commands to control the access to data using SQLClick Here
6Execute TCL Commands to control transactions on data using SQLClick Here
7Write Queries using Arithmetic operators.Click Here
8Apply built-in Logical operators on given dataClick Here
9Implement Relational operators to apply various conditions in queryClick Here
10Use Set operators to perform different operationsClick Here
11Execute queries using string functionsClick Here
12Execute queries using Arithmetic functionsClick Here
13Implement queries using Date and Time functionsClick Here
14Implement queries using Aggregate functionsClick Here
15Execute queries for Ordering and Grouping dataClick Here
16Implement SQL queries for Inner and Outer JoinClick Here
17Create and manage Views for faster access on relations.Click Here
18Implement PL/SQL program using Conditional StatementsClick Here
19Implement PL/SQL program using Iterative StatementsClick Here
20Implement PL/SQL program using Sequential ControlClick Here
21Create Implicit and Explicit CursorsClick Here
22Implement PL/SQL program based on Exception Handling (Pre-defined exceptions) applicationClick Here
23Implement PL/SQL program based on Exception Handling (User-defined exceptions)Click Here
24Create Procedures and stored procedures for modularityClick Here
25Create functions for given databaseClick Here
26Implement triggers for given databaseClick Here


In this blog post, we provided solutions for all Database Management System 313302 Manual practicals. We hope this information helps computer third-semester students complete their practical work quickly.

MSBTE Manual Answers

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