313325 CKN Manual Answer Diploma K Scheme

Welcome to PracticalKida, this blog post is special for Electronics & Telecommunications third-semester students. All practicals answer for 313325 CKN Circuits & Networks Manual are given below.

Circuits Networks 313325 CKN Manual Answer

Circuits & Networks 313325 CKN Manual Answer

Sr.NoPractical NoAnswer
1Measure the voltage across resistive circuit and verify it, using Kirchhoff‘s Voltage law (KVL).Click Here
3Measure current through and voltage across given branch of electric network and verify it by mesh analysis.Click Here
4Measure voltage at particular node and current through branch of network and verify it by nodal analysis.Click Here
6Observe transient response of RC series circuit with DC excitation.Click Here (Added Soon)
7Measure current through given branch of network and voltage across given element of the circuit and verify it applying Superposition theorem.Click Here (Added Soon)
9Measure open circuit voltage and thevenin’s resistance of the given circuit and verify it using Thevenin‘s theorem.Click Here (Added Soon)
10Vary load resistance to transfer Maximum power in the given circuit using maximum power transfer theorem.Click Here (Added Soon)
12Measure input and output voltages and currents of the given two port network and calculate open circuit (Z) parameters for the given circuit.Click Here (Added Soon)
16Develop RC high pass filter on breadboard and plot its frequency responseClick Here (Added Soon)
18Test the performance of Symmetrical T attenuator.Click Here (Added Soon)
20Measure voltage and current in the given R-L series circuit and calculate active, reactive and apparent power consumed in the circuit.Click Here (Added Soon)
22Measure voltage and current in the given R-L-C series circuit and calculate active, reactive and apparent power consumed in the circuit.Click Here (Added Soon)
23Measure voltage and current in the given R-C parallel circuit and calculate power factor, active, reactive and apparent power consumed in the circuit.Click Here (Added Soon)
25Measure voltage and current in the given R-L-C parallel circuit consists of series connection of resistor and inductor in parallel with capacitor and calculate power factor, active, reactive and apparent power consumed in the circuit.Click Here (Added Soon)
28Measure voltage and current in the given RLC series circuit and calculate resonance frequency and impedance at resonance using variable supply frequency.Click Here (Added Soon)
30Measure current of given RLC parallel circuit and calculate resonance frequency and impedance at resonance by varying supply frequency.Click Here (Added Soon)


In this blog post, we provided solutions for all practicals of Circuits & Networks 313325 CKN Manual. We hope this information helps students.

MSBTE Manual Answer

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