313001 CGR Manual Answer Diploma K Scheme

Welcome to PracticalKida, in this blog post, we shared Computer Graphics 313014 CGR Manual Answer.

All practicals in this manual are listed below, along with their solutions.

313014 CGR Manual Answer
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Computer Graphics 313014 CGR Manual Answer

Sr.NoPractical NameAnswer
1Write a C program to draw various graphics objects (Pixel, Circle, Line, Ellipse, Rectangle, Triangle, Polygon) using graphics functionsClick Here
2Write a C program to draw line using DDA algorithmClick Here
3Write a C program to draw a line using Bresenham’s algorithmClick Here
4Write a C program to draw circle using Bresenham’s algorithm.Click Here
5Write a C program for Flood fill algorithm of polygon filling.Click Here
6Write a C program for Boundary fill algorithm of polygon filling.Click Here
7Write a C program for 2D Translation and Scaling.Click Here
8Write a C program for 2D RotationClick Here
9Write a C program for 2D Reflection and ShearClick Here
10Write a C program for 3D Translation and ScalingClick Here
11Write a C program for 3D RotationClick Here
12Write a C program for Line Clipping using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm.Click Here
13Write a C program for Line Clipping using Midpoint Subdivision algorithm.Click Here
14Write a C program for Sutherland Hodgeman Polygon Clipping.Click Here (Added soon)
15Write a C program for Bezier Curve.Click Here

All of these practicals are solved by using Turbo C++ software. more practical solutions for this manual will be added soon.


We hope this solution helps diploma third-semester students in completing their manual work. please share this solution with your friends.

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