313301 DSU Manual Practical No.2 Answer

Welcome to PracticalKida, In this blog post, we are going to solve 313301 Data Structure Using C DSU Manual Practical No.2.

313301 DSU Manual Practical No.2 Answer

Title of Practical: Write a ā€˜Cā€™ Program to Search particular data from the given Array of numbers using: the Linear Search Method.

313301 Data Structure Using C Manual Practical No.2 Answer

In C, a program using linear search can efficiently find specific data within an array of numbers
by sequentially checking each element until the target is found or the end of the array is reached.
This method is straightforward and suitable for small or unsorted arrays.


Flow Chart

C Program Code

Result (Output of Program)

Practical Related Questions
  • Modify the linear search program to find and print all occurrences of the target value in the


  • Explore real-world applications where linear search is used, such as searching for elements in a list of contacts or searching for files in a directory.


  • Calculate time and space complexity of Linear Search.


  • Explain how Linear search can be modified for multiple occurrences.



We completed 313301 DSU Manual Practical no.2 with title c programming for Searching particular data from the given Array of numbers using: the Linear Search Method.

MSBTE Manual Answer

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