Welcome to PracticalKida, in this blog post, we solve Object Oriented Programming Using C++ OOP 313304 Manual Practical No.2 in which we Write C++ programs using a scope resolution operator, Memory management operator, and Manipulators.
This practical is useful for students to access the global variable, creation of dynamic memory
allocation, and display output in proper format. Students will be able to use different C++
operators in programming.
OOP 313304 Manual Practical Exercise
- Write a C++ Program that shows the use of functions outside the class using the scope resolution operator.
- Write a program to display the message “Welcome to the world of C++” using manipulators.
- Write a program to create the memory using a new operator and free the created memory using the delete operator.
Practical Related Questions
- Write a C++ program to access the global variable using the scope resolution operator.
- Format the following statement using manipulators. (Rate=412345 period=35 year=2024 )
- Complete the following table:
We completed Object Oriented Programming Using C++ OOP 313304 Manual Practical No.2 in which we write various C++ programs and get desired outputs.