313301 DSU Data Structure Using C Manual Answer

Welcome to PracticalKida, this blog provides 313301 DSU Data Structure Using C Manual Answer. Our team members solved all the practicals of this manual to help diploma students.

313301 DSU Data Structure Using C manual answer
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Below is a list of all 313301 DSU Data Structure compulsory practicals Using C with their solutions.

313301 DSU Data Structure Using C Manual Answer

Sr No.Practical NameAnswer
1Write a ‘C’ program to
perform following Operations
on Array: Create, Insert,
Delete, Display.
Click Here
2Write a ‘C’ Program to Search a particular data from the given Array of numbers using: Linear Search Method.Click Here
3Write a ‘C’ Program to
Search a particular data from
the given Array of Strings
using Linear Search Method.
Click Here
4Write a ‘C’ program to
Search a particular data from
the given Array of numbers
using Binary Search Method.
Click Here
5Write a ‘C’ Program to Search a particular data from the given Array of Strings using Binary Search MethodClick Here
6Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort
an Array of numbers using
Bubble Sort Method.
Click Here
7Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort an Array of Strings using Bubble Sort MethodClick Here
8Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort
an Array of numbers using
Selection Sort Method.
Click Here
9Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort an Array of Strings using Selection Sort MethodClick Here
10Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort
an Array of numbers using
Insertion Sort Method.
Click Here
11Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort an Array of Strings using Insertion Sort MethodClick Here
12Write a ‘C’ Program to
Implement Singly Linked List
with Operations: (i) Insert at
beginning, (ii) Search, (iii)
Click Here
13Write a C Program to
Implement Singly Linked List
with Operations: (i) Insert at
end, (ii) Insert After, (iii)
Delete (iv) Display
Click Here
14Write a C Program to Create Two Polynomials using a Linked List.Click Here
15Write a ‘C’ Program to add
Two Polynomials using a
Linked List.
Click Here
16Write a ‘C’ Program to Write a ‘C’ Program to
perform PUSH and POP
Operations on Stack using an
Click Here
17Write a ‘C’ Program to
perform PUSH and POP
Operations on a Stack using a
Linked List.
Click Here
18Write a ‘C’ program to
perform multiplication of two
numbers using recursion.
Click Here
21Write a ‘C’ Program to
perform INSERT and
DELETE Operations on Linear
Queue using an Array.
Click Here
22Write a ‘C’ Program to
perform INSERT and
DELETE operations on Linear
Queue using a Linked List.
Click Here
23Write a ‘C’ Program to perform INSERT and DELETE operations on Circular Queue using an Array.Click Here
26Write a ‘C’ Program to
Implement BST (Binary
Search Tree) and Traverse in
Click Here

Tip: Only compulsory practicals with stars are listed above other practicals are not available.

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