Practical No.8: Work with ordered and unordered list WPD Manual Answer

Practical No.8: Work with ordered and unordered list WPD Manual Answer

Practical No.8: Work with ordered and unordered list WPD Manual Answer
Practical No.8: Work with ordered and unordered list WPD Manual Answer
In this blog post, we perform web page designing MSBTE manual practical no. 8 with the title Work with an ordered and unordered list. Lists are like a special way to write things down in a neat and organized way. It helps us keep everything together and makes it easier to find and understand. We use lists to make things look nice and organized on a page.

Different Lists types:

Tag Description
 <ul>…</ul> An unordered list. This will list items using plain bullets.
<ol>…</ol> An ordered list. This will use different schemes of numbers to list your items


1) Write HTML code for the following output using different types of lists.

WPD Manual Answer


  <title>Welcome To HTML List</title>
  <h1>Welcome To HTML List</h1>
  <h2>List of available courses</h2>
    <li>Data Structures & Algorithm</li>
    <li>Web Technology</li>
    <li>Aptitude & Logical Reasoning</li>
    <li>Programming Languages</li>
  <h2>Data Structures topics</h2>
    <li>A. Array</li>
    <li>B. Linked List</li>
    <li>C. Stacks</li>
    <li>D. Queues</li>
    <li>E. Trees</li>
    <li>F. Graphs</li>

2) Create an ordered list with lowercase roman numbers.

  <title>List with Lowercase Roman Numbers</title>
  <ol type=”i”>
    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>


WPD Manual Answer

Practical Related Questions

1. State the purpose of the list on the web page.

Lists are like a special way of organizing information that makes it easier for us to understand. They make things clear and easy to read, which helps us find what we’re looking for faster.

2. Write different ways to implement an unordered list.

  • Using the <ul> tag
  • Using the list-style-type
  • Using an image for the bullet points.this involves creating image elements (<img>) within each list item (<li>).


We successfully completed WPD manual practical no 8 in which we learned how to Work with ordered and unordered list.

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