Web Page Designing 312004 Practical No.7 Use of Special characters in Web Page

Web Page Designing 312004 Practical No.7 Use of Special characters in Web Page 

In this blog post, we are going to perform Web Page Designing 312004  subject practical no 7 with the title Use of Special Characters in Web Page. Some special characters in HTML code help to show certain symbols or letters that are not on a regular keyboard. These characters are used to make text look special or different in paragraphs.

Web Page Designing 312004 Practical No.6 Use of Special characters in Web Page
Web Page Designing 312004 Practical No.6 Use of Special characters in Web Page 

Some symbols like math, technical, and currency symbols are not on a regular keyboard. You can add these symbols to a webpage using their special names or numbers.

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
quotation mark
. apostrophe
& & & ampersand
< < < less-than
> > > greater-than
© © © copyright
® ® ® registered trademark
  left arrow
  right arrow


1. Execute the following HTML code and attach the output.

<p>I will display &#8707;</p>
<p>I will display &empty;</p>
<p>I will display &sum; </p>
<p>I will display &#8595;</p>
<p><b>This text is bold</b></p>
Web Page Designing 312004 Practical No.6

2. Write HTML code to display any 5 mathematical symbols on a web page.

  <title>Mathematical Symbols</title>
  <h1>Mathematical Symbols</h1>
  <p>Here are some mathematical symbols:</p>
    <li>Pi (π) – &pi;</li>
    <li>Infinity (∞) – &infin;</li>
    <li>Square Root (√) – &radic;</li>
    <li>Sigma (Σ) – &Sigma;</li>
    <li>Integral (∫) – &int;</li>


Practical Related Questions

1. Write the entity number and entity name to insert a copyright symbol on a browser page?

  • Entity Number: &#169;
  • Entity Name: &copy;

2. What is the entity number and entity name for the INDIAN RUPEE SIGN?

Entity Number: &#8377;


We successfully perform Web Page Designing 312004 Practical No.7 in which we learn how to Use Special characters on Web Pages.

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