Practical No.5: Work with Text level tag in web page WPD 312004 Answer

Practical No.5: Work with Text level tag in web page WPD 312004 Answer

Work with Text level tag in web page
Practical No.5: Work with Text level tag in web page WPD 312004 Answer

Practical Significance

In this blog post, we share the solution of MSBTE WPD 312004 manual practical no.5 with the title Work with Text level tag on a web page.
HTML Text level tags are used to format the appearance of the text on the web page. The basic idea behind text formatting is to make a web page more attractive by using tags like bold, italic, or underlined. Several HTML elements are used for defining text with a special meaning. These are the parsed tags that are used to display the importance of the text. This practical is useful for formatting the text of a web page using text-level tags.


Execute following HTML code and attached the output.
<p><b>This text is bold</b></p>
<p><i>This text is italic</i></p>
<p>This is<sub> subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup></p>
WPD 312004 Answer

Practical Related Questions

1. What is the use of HTML text formatting?
HTML Formatting is the process of enhancing text visually by using different HTML tags to alter its appearance on a webpage. These tags can be used to make text bold, italicized, underlined, and more appealing.
2. Explain the meaning of the following code.
<div id=”menu” align=”middle” >
  • <div> tag: This tag makes a generic block-level division element. It acts as a container for other HTML elements, allowing you to group related content together.
  • id=”menu”: This attribute assigns a distinctive identifier “menu” to the <div> element. This ID can be used to target the element with CSS styles or JavaScript code for exact styling or functionality.
  • align=”middle”: This attribute (deprecated in HTML5) attempts to horizontally center the content within the <div> element.  However, it’s typically suggested to use CSS for element alignment due to better browser compatibility and separation of concerns.
3. Write entity number and entity name to insert a copyright symbol on a
browser page?
Entity Number:
Use &#169; (decimal reference).
Entity Name:
Use &copy; (character reference).
4. What is the difference between bold and strong tags in HTML?
Feature <b> Tag <strong> Tag
Purpose Applies bold styling Denotes strong importance
Semantic Meaning No semantic meaning (presentation only) Indicates important text
Default Rendering Bold text Bold text (may vary slightly depending on browser)
Use Cases Primarily for visual emphasis (deprecated) Highlighting important content, keywords, legal disclaimers, etc.
Accessibility Not ideal for screen readers (may not convey importance) Can be helpful for screen readers to identify important information
SEO Not directly relevant May be considered slightly more relevant for SEO by some search engines
Modern Recommendation Use <strong> for semantic emphasis Use <strong> for semantic emphasis


We successfully completed the Work with Text level tag in the web page practical by performing various text level tags in HTML.

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